Affirmation of Baptism may be used at many times in the life of a baptized Christian. It is especially appropriate as a part of a process of formation in faith in youth or adulthood (confirmation), at the time of beginning one's participation in a community of faith, as a sign of renewed participation in the life of the church, or at the time of a significant life passage. - Evangelical Lutheran Worship, pg. 234

Confirmation is a traditional rite of passage in the Lutheran church. When a person is baptized as an infant, their parents and sponsors make promises to raise them in the Christian faith. When they are old enough to think and decide for themselves, it is common for a person who was baptized as an infant to make a public declaration of their faith, claiming those promises to live faithfully for themselves.

In the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), this has traditionally been done with a specific course of study in the early teenage years that culminates in a rite during a community worship service where the confirmands publicly affirm their faith, making them full adult members of the congregation.

But who among us stopped learning and growing in middle school?

This course is an opportunity for adults who took confirmation classes earlier in life to engage with the Catechism, or faith teaching, in a deeper way. And for those who have not studied Luther's Small Catechism previously to encounter this treasure trove of faith for the first time.

Find the course here on Teachable.